Torchlight 2 synergies necromancer build
Torchlight 2 synergies necromancer build

Unfortunately, after I found out what happened with the Variant Classes Mod (they made unfortunate changes in the Tenebris gameplay),and above all, after what happened with the version that was on Steam, I decided that nobody has my authorization to take this class and do an update to existing compilations or incorporate it into a new compilation. Werewolves, for example, now reach their full potential at level 74, and if Tenebris and Synergies are in the wrong order you are going to lose it. If you are going to play with Tenebris and Synergies, put the Tenebris OVER Synergies in the loading order, because this class now has some skills with its own unlock scale.

torchlight 2 synergies necromancer build

So this puts things in order once and for all. The Tenebris had not been updated after 2013. Synergies, many people play it and it was updated for the last time in 2017. Maybe you are wondering why this update after so many years. If that is not entertaining, I don't know what else it can be :) It can be a magician, it can make melee attacks, it can be accompanied by many summons, it can even (depending on the weapon and the skill) combine melee and magic attacks without changing weapons and without losing its power, and at the same time have a lot of summons (Spiders, Troglodites, Werewolves). In case someone does not know what the Tenebris is, well, it's the perfect Hybrid.

Torchlight 2 synergies necromancer build